Sabrina Elba

Press Release

Treehouse Films partners with Audax Productions to exhibit a short film aptly named‚ Fortitude.


London, United Kingdom, May 25th, 2021 - Following the death of George Floyd in May of last year, the subsequent public outcry and demonstrations amidst the largest pandemic of this era revealed the collective acknowledgement that systemic racism was not just an American problem, but a global one. Touched by these movements, the creatives behind the London based Audax Conceptual Collective and Treehouse Films came together to give a diverse group of Black Londoners the platform to open up on race, its ramifications, and where we stand today - exactly one year after Floyd’s death.


An interview-led production, FORTITUDE is an exposition of the often unheard and harrowing reality facing Black Londoners on a day to day basis, documenting the experiences and perspectives of this perhaps non numerical minority at a time where racially motivated atrocities have taken centerstage across the globe.  
The resulting conversations detail the role race has played in the lives of the involved individuals and how — despite the many differences that exist amongst them — similar encounters with racism and the subsequent implications have affected every aspect of their existence. FORTITUDE aims to drive the audience to better understand the ramifications of these occurrences on the communities in question, and to promote dialogue regarding the best means, both collectively and individually, by which to address these issues.


Contributors include Sabrina Elba (model, activist), Andrea Thomson (Editor-in-chief of Marie Claire), Misan Harriman (activist, photographer), Stevie Gamble (actor), as well as doctors, entrepreneurs, athletes, artists, students and more; encompassing a myriad of ages and backgrounds.


  • Sabrina Elba
  • Misan Harriman
  • Stevie Gambles
  • Jessica Simpson
  • William Adoasi
  • Kristof Skhosana
  • Ayo Dada
  • Nova Twins
  • Andrea Thompson
  • Saul Williams
  • Aaron Porter
  • TK
  • Elwina Timehin
  • Dinah
  • Candice Simpson


  • Executive Producers - Ron Timehin, Matt Rendell, Chuck Gul
  • Director - Radford Nicholls
  • DOP - Joe Ransom  Matt Rendell
  • Editor - Marnie Holland
  • Camera Assistant - Lloyd Cook  
  • Sound - Adam Davies
  • Designer - Erlen Masson
  • Photographer - Ron Timehin
  • Copywriter- Sasha Prisajni
  • Music Composer - Benson Herbert
  • Music Composer - Tom Field
  • Colourist - John Grades
  • Grading House - Pundersons Gardens


The Fortitude premiere will take place 30th November 2021 at the Museum of London, 7-9pm. (150 London Wall, Barbican, London EC2Y 5HN)

Public Launch

Fortitude public launch is on streaming platform Waterbear on the 17th December 2021.

Notes to Editors

Officially partnered are The Black Curriculum, a UK based organisation aiming to facilitate social change through more accurate and comprehensive Black history educational programs in schools.

“At a time when our hearts were broken, FORTITUDE presented the opportunity to collectively build ourselves back up in telling our truth, and telling our stories. It was an honour to be a part of this production,”

revealed Mr. Harriman, a fitting epitomisation.  

Watch The Official Trailer

For further information and press enquiries, please contact:

About Audax

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The Audax Conceptual Collective consists of a team of creatives specialising in content creation, creative direction, social media consultancy, and creative consultancy. Their goal is to challenge contemporary thought on what a creative undertaking can be with every project.


About Treehouse

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Treehouse Films is a creative video production company fuelled by curiosity and a desire to leave to a positive imprint on the world.


About The Black Curriculum

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The Black Curriculum are a social enterprise that aims to deliver black British history all across the UK. We run a variety of virtual and in-person programmes to schools, young people and corporations to promote the importance of Black history. We also have a curriculum and develop free and licensable resources for schools to teach students about Black history.

Our aim is to prepare students to become fully rounded citizens, ready for an increasingly globalised world. Our curriculum is grounded in the arts for young people to engage with history imaginatively, encouraging student satisfaction and critical thinking skills. Through our holistic approach, we aim to remedy a wider systemic issue.


About WaterBear

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WaterBear is a ground-breaking streaming platform showcasing award-winning documentaries as well as original content inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). WaterBear members can stream video at any time, and on any device, all for free, as well as take action, and share or donate directly to NGOs. Download WaterBear from the appstore or head to:

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